Here's me playing again.
Today, I assembled my new rolling mill. I need a new stand for it, and I know I own the correct thing for the job, the metal pedestal for a table, but I cannot find it. So, for now, it's on the bench with my polisher. With wheels, and nearly useless.
We did manage to get a couple things through the mill by weighing down the bench.
Above is a simple braid of copper wire, unsoldered, but it seems to want to stay together. I gently bent it a little, and where there is overlap, it is much weaker. I own a bracelet constructed this way, as far as I can tell. Maybe the rollers should be set further apart? Or I'll try annealing it before I bend any further.
As you can see, I employed kids to help sketch designs to cut into paper to press. Some on cardboard and some on paper. Then I glued the cardboard ones lightly between 24 ga.(thin) sheet silver and 20 ga sheet brass.
it stuck on the Brass side?!
The cutouts turned into very very faint images, maybe just texture on the metal. Stars and a house that my little girl and I designed. One person holding the beast down and the other turning the rollers was not smooth technique, so not everything came out even this much.
Because, of course, I didn't check relative hardness of the metal. I thought brass was harder. Oops. This is how we learn.
Still, this experiment brought the family together in my Momcave. I like the result, but I'd like a stronger image. And I want it on the Silver!
This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
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