Oh my goodness, I just turned on a painful episode of "Tabatha's Salon Takeover" and it's the tackiest place ever! This guy is falling into every trap I've seen. It's amazing how I can see this stuff applying to myself. Giving away free stuff, working too much, lazy habits, being devastatingly disorganized, putting the schtick before the quality.
It's so easy to think that people like the crazy stuff. The wild sales and the showy display. It's true. People sometimes mutter about how they could "get that at Target for less." People are attracted things that look different.
But, let's face it. Hand made is not going to be a cheap option. Individually styled and unique is not mass produced or made quickly. That's the entire point. I don't love to cast, I love to forge and cut and finish. I don't want several copies of each piece out on my table. I want to treat each design, each stone, each idea as a separate problem.
Schtick can be fun and it gets attention, but too much cheapens what's behind it.
This poor guy seems to never be able to leave his business in anyone else's hands.
This episode may make me cry. And given me food for thought.
Summer is destroying my TV taste.
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