I love Magic the Gathering
I got really into the game in college, the first time I had my own income to spend on silly things like collectible trading cards. My friends also got into it, including a guy I spent way too much time pursuing. So my collection is pretty huge. And even though that person is mostly forgotten, I still have all my cards.
My collection's been hiding in a game cabinet in three nice plastic boxes, carefully sorted by color and much of it sorted by individual card (when you're playing, tournament rules allow you to use a few of a card per deck). A friend if my son's asked if he played and all of the sudden, my favorite game became the hip thing!
Our regular weekly games only lasted a few weeks, as kids interest wax and wane, but everyone still wants to play fairly frequently. And my new motivational tool was born.
I admit it, I did not give up my precious precious cards. The Lord of the Pit is in a deck that is mine and mine alone. My love of the artwork (Earthbind above has always been one of my favorites, even if the card itself is only somewhat useful.), the complexity of the rules (each card has the potential to effect the entire game for everyone) and the competitive and cooperative dynamics that the game creates all contribute.
Our homeschooling needed some positive reinforcement. And you can get the cards in small and large packages. Each individual card can be surprise and delight. One page of work and you get a card.
And I get to play Magic the Gathering!
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