Amanda Palmer ( ) has been on my mind a lot this week. It started with her amazing TED talk about asking for what you need. ( I just can't get it out of my head. In a short 13+ minutes, she reminded me exactly why I go out into the world and sell my jewelry.
Not that i didn't know of her before that. She's been really interesting since i heard Coin Operated Boy ( for the first time a couple of years ago.
She married an author ( I've had a crush on for years- me and every other girl who read the Sandman comics and loves Tori Amos. Maybe it actually started when I got a chance to see Neil Gaiman speak here in Pittsburgh. And whenIi first clicked on his address to graduates. (
I want her courage. Her total lack of self consciousness. Her sheer getting-to-the-art attitude and her connection to the fans.
I have never seen a ninja gig. Sometimes I'm just not in the mood to listen to "Punk Cabaret," but I am a fan.
I wanna be more like Amanda Palmer.
More links- Amanda Palmer on Meditation
(Clumsy linking care of my iPhone. Thank you, iPhone.)
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