According to the Book of Stones, Scapolite's good for problem solving, sticking to goals and achievements. It's a white, brown or purplish gemstone that occurs in limestone and metamorphic rocks. It is an "alteration" of feldspar minerals, meaning that the mineral has changed because of exposure to water or oxygen. The resulting stone is clear and stunning. Sometimes it's got a catseye form.
This last year has been driven by my art and my business and getting home and family in a good balance. lots and lots of goals. No wonder this one jumped out at me while I was shopping last fall! At the time I wasn't prepared to work with them. I created a design for similar beads, but it wasn't quite the right thing for these beauties.
I shop a lot this way and my basement looks like a beadshop. I've created a central table where I can hang intact strands and i have enough display trays to lay out my cabochons and cut stones by variety. Displaying and sorting helps me when I am creatively blocked. Having a discrete space for each gemstone variety allows me to focus on design.
So far, for the scapolite i am thinking about puzzle pieces and labyrinths. Maybe I can do one of each. I definitely want to pair them with silver.
Hopefully, on this weekend's gem hunting expedition, I will not let the stones catch me off guard again.
Any requests?
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