I asked and friends answered.
That green stone, you know, the one I keep looking at?
Articles I've found identify apatite as yellow to yellow-green usually, but most of the examples I've seen sold as gemstones is usually deep green blue. While yellows are very much in the spirit of this spring season, it's those blues that won't let us walk away from the jewelry. I'm not the only one who's confused. The stone's name comes from a Greek word meaning "to deceive" because of it's variety of colors.
The literature I've looked at attributes amazing things to these stones. It will help you realize your own strengths, integrate and balance emotions. According to some sources, it encourages psychic powers, reveal past life and karmic influences, open the mind to dreams and creative problem solving. It's a medical miracle worker-Improve declining eyesight. The blue variety has wind energy and the green water. Green can help us accept abundance and heal emotional problems with money. Golden apatite can help you figure out what you really want at a confused time and with creative effort.
Here's where my own confusion kicks in. I know I respond best to the stones when I'm most attracted to them. Apatite was not having any conversations with me this week. I gave rough chunk of dark green-blue apatite to two friends on pendants and we all wore them for an entire week. To Nytesong and I it really said little. I did have many dreams, but none of them prophetic. (I hope that I won't be seeing my, unfortunately deceased, )
But to Catharine, it spoke volumes. And, true scientist that she is, she wrote it all down for me. She felt that she was "more able to appreciate other people's perspectives, and not stuck stubbornly only in my own viewpoint. I feel less isolated in a crowd and notice things you usually don't about the environment."
My overall impression is that apatite is one of the choosier stones. You're among the fortunate if it really does it's work for you. Catharine found it to be hard to wear with other stones.
Apatite is a phosphate mineral-meaning it's primarily composed of calcium with six of PO4 groups attached. Its different colors come from the fluorine, chlorine, bromine or hydroxy ions attached to it. Hydroxylapatite is the greatest part of our bones. Apatite is with us always! When phosphate fertilizers were heavily used, apatite was a source.
It is found in in Idaho, Tennessee, and Wyoming, in the US and in Brazil, Russia and northern asia, among other places. It is mined without harmful chemicals and pollution to the environment in open cast mines. Pits and terraces are dug and can be refilled and replanted once gemstone deposits are exhausted. Mined materials are washed with powerful jets of water which separate the gemstones from the other rock materials.
This gemstone entry is linked in the Intentional Stones Language of Gemstones and Metals page.
Also, as we learn more and more about these beautiful pieces of the earth, we'd love to hear about your experience visiting the places where they're found. Please post your comments, links, travellogs, favorite pages, anything you like in the comments section!
Reference pages and books for today:
I always start off with the Book of Stones by Robert Simmons and Natasha Ahsian
GeoGem International Jewelers Mining information page
Wikipedia entry on Apatite
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